The first day of spring is quickly approaching, which means the world is showing signs of life again. Folks, we’re one step closer to enjoying a nice hot summer in Calgary Alberta and that’s worth celebrating! Planning our spring home maintenance checklist in advance is a great way to get the work done and enjoy the season, same goes for our mental health. It’s a new season, let’s go into it clear and ready!
Here are a few musts for maintaining our homes (and mental health) this spring.
Check your Gutters & your Attitude
Before the April showers hit, consider clearing the gutters and downspouts of any built up ice and debris. Be sure to check for any loose or detached gutters and spouts – make sure water can flow in the direction you want it to. Same with our attitudes, have we gotten a little bitter and depressed over the winter months? Maybe it’s time to focus on clearing our mind, letting some things go and focusing on gratitude.
Examine Roof Shingles & your Self Care Routine
There’s nothing like the irrational weather of winter to crack, buckle and loosen roof shingles. ummer is the best time to repair the roof of any damage, making Spring the best time to check the roof and plan for repairs. It’s also a good time to check if you have been compromisiSng on your self care routine. Spring is a good time to plan ahead and schedule some much needed ‘you’ time.
Check for Foundation Cracks & Cracks in your Thought Life
Cracks in your foundation, walkways and patios can mean water leaking into your house. Make sure to plan for repairs after Spring. How’s it going in that head of yours? Sometimes we have negative and limiting beliefs about ourselves that need a bit of repair. Notice the negative thoughts you have going through your mind and find a source of encouragement and support in your life to help you fill in the cracks.
Fill in the Low Areas with Soil & Find Things that Bring you Joy
Let’s not give the mosquitoes a private pool in our yards this summer. Fill in low areas of the yard and around the house to prevent water pooling. Filling in low areas around the foundation of the home helps prevent water from seeping in as well. Was winter a little low for you? Prioritize joy this season by adding activities, hobbies and communities that make you smile and laugh.
Repair Windows & Get Out and Enjoy the Views
Check each window of your home for any cracks and leaks. Re-caulk the gaps or replace the ones that are beyond repair. A dry, warm home is a happy home. Once the windows are fixed, try going for a nice walk and enjoy the world we live in. To sum up, daily exercise and fresh air has been proven to reduce depression and anxiety significantly.
Let us help you find the right person for your Home Projects
Enjoy your Spring, and know that our real estate agents can help you find the right person for your home repairs. Give us a shout! We’re happy to help connect you to the right repairman for your Spring home projects, and put a smile on your face!